Most important publications (some of the attached files are preprint versions which may differ in some respects from the published ones)
- The Epistemic Lightness of Truth. Deflationism and its Logic, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Deflacyjna koncepcja prawdy. Wybrane zagadnienia logiczne (Deflationary conception of truth. Selected logical issues; in Polish), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, Warszawa 2009. [link to the bookstore]

Corrigendum to: The Epistemic Lightness of Truth. Deflationism and its Logic
- "Interpreting the compositional truth predicate in models of arithmetic", Archive for Mathematical Logic, online first.
- "On Some Problems with Truth and Satisfaction", in Philosophical Approaches to the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics, Brill, 2021, 175-192.
- "Minimalism and the generalisation problem: on Horwich's second solution", Synthese 2018, 195(3), 1077-1101.
- "Models of PT- with internal induction for total formulae" (with Mateusz Łełyk and Bartosz Wcisło), The Review of Symbolic Logic 2017, 10(1), 187-202. [PDF] © Association for Symbolic Logic, 2016
- "The Innocence of Truth", dialectica 2015, 69(1), 61-85. [PDF]
- "Typed and Untyped Disquotational Truth", in Unifying the Philosophy of Truth, Dora Achourioti, José Martínez Fernández, Henri Galinon, Kentaro Fujimoto (eds), Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science vol. 36, Springer, Dordrecht, 2015, 307-320.[PDF]
- "How Tarski defined the undefinable", European Review 2015, 23(1), 139-149.
- "Yablo sequences in truth theories", in K.Lodaya (ed.), Logic and Its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 7750, Springer, 2013, 127-138.
- "Gödelizing the Yablo sequence" (with Rafał Urbaniak), Journal of Philosophical Logic 2013, 42(5), 679-695.
- "T-equivalences for positive sentences", The Review of Symbolic Logic 2011, volume 4, issue 02, pp. 319-325. [PDF] © Association for Symbolic Logic, 2011
- "Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability", Mind 2010, 119, 409-422.
- "Deflationary truth and pathologies", Journal of Philosophical Logic 2010, 39(3), 325-337.
- "Willard Van Orman Quine o prawdzie i analityczności", Przegląd Filozoficzny 2008, nr 4(68), 233-247. (in Polish)
- "Dyskwotacyjna koncepcja prawdy i problem generalizacji" , Filozofia Nauki 2008, nr 3-4, 19-37. (in Polish)
- "On definable elements in models of PA", in J.Odrowąż-Sypniewska (ed.) Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Warsaw University (4), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper 2008, 67-73.
- "Why is truth (in)definable", in A.Brożek (ed.) Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Warsaw University (3), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2008, 28-34.
- "Deflationism, conservativeness and maximality", Journal of Philosophical Logic 2007, 36(6), 695-705.
- "Deflacjonizm i konserwatywność", Edukacja Filozoficzna 2007, t. 44, 95-111. (in Polish)
- "Deflacjonizm i 'niesubstancjalność' prawdy", Filozofia Nauki 2006, nr 2, 5-12. (in Polish)
- "Dlaczego prawda jest (nie)definiowalna", Filozofia Nauki 2005, nr 1, 15-24. (in Polish)
- "Löbs Theorem in a Set Theoretical Setting", Studia Logica 2003, 75, 319-326.
- "Heterologicality and incompleteness", Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 48 2002, 105-110.
Selected presentations
- "Satisfaction classes via a syntactic proof", Gothenburg 2018
- "The innocence of truth", Helsinki 2015
- "Yablo's paradox in axiomatic theories of truth", Evora 2013
- "T-equivalences for positive sentences", Amsterdam 2011
- "On eliminating pathologies in satisfaction classes", Sofia 2009